Next-generation scalable IT Security

Even large companies with their own IT and IT security departments have to keep an eye on IT security more than ever. Advanved Persistent Threats (APTs), Zero Days & High Severity CVEs are just three of many critical risks that particularly affect larger companies. Companies with large networks and many employees need scalable, effective and sustainable solutions in order to protect themselves adequately and to be prepared for the future. For this type of larger company, too, we are available as an external partner in all matters and on all questions related to IT security.

External Partner

Colombo Technology Cyber Security also works as an external partner together with existing security teams and IT service providers for your company.

Independent Reviews

Audits which are carried out by an external and independent company can usually show actual attack vectors much better.

Training of Security Teams

Simulated but realistic attacks with the real procedure of hackers can improve the reaction processes of IT security teams.

IT Security Consulting
Whether product development or network construction, we will advise you!

Our IT Security Consulting service ranges from simple "available for questions" to advice on planning and implementing complex infrastructure, software or product projects. Ideally, we help you to consider important aspects of IT security as early as the design phase (Security By Design). During implementation phases, we support and take care of your project teams, developers and system administrators and check the result, which must meet your individual IT security requirements.

Live Hacking Vortrag
IT Security in a new way!

Our experts hack devices and apps from everyday life live on stage, such as smartphones or web shops. The awareness of IT security in digital space will be developed in an entertaining way. We show not only how vulnerable IT systems are, but also how you can protect yourself. In a relaxed and interesting format you will learn more about exciting and at the same time dangerous topics.

Awareness Training
In the end, your employees are your organization’s weakest link in the cyber security field.

Communicating cybersecurity awareness to all of your employees with an awareness training increases the likelihood that they can detect and ward off a fraud or attack before it is fully executed, thereby minimizing the harm to your business. Your employees are your first and most important line of defense against cyber crime. We provide your employees with the knowledge and skills they need to protect themselves and your company from criminal elements such as hackers.